This software, including the Sim390 mainframe emulator, the MUSIC/SP Demo system, and third-party software provided with the MUSIC/SP Demo system, is provided on an "as-is" basis, and is intended only for demonstration and evaluation purposes. Use it at your own risk. The author is not responsible for any damages or losses that may occur from your use of this software, and no support or warranty is provided. This software must not be used, sold, or distributed for profit, without the written permission of the author. It is provided only for personal use by individuals. Use in a production or commercial or institutional environment is prohibited, unless specific written permission is obtained from the author.
The MUSIC/SP operating system is © Copyright by McGill University, 1989-2000. Additions and modifications to MUSIC/SP and its components made 2001 and later, as distributed with the MUSIC/SP Demo system, are © Copyright by Dave Edwards, 2001-2008.
The Waterloo C compiler and library is (c) Copyright by the University of Waterloo, 1989. The Waterloo C compiler and library distributed with the MUSIC/SP Demo system is provided without support, warranty, or source code. It is to be run only on the MUSIC/SP Demo system running under Sim390, Hercules, or a similar mainframe emulator. It must not be repackaged or redistributed for use under any other system.
Similar copyright and usage restrictions apply to all other third-party software provided with the MUSIC/SP Demo system and Sim390.