
We have helped many small, medium and large-sized firms in creating and hosting
web sites, custom web-based applications, networking support, consulting and more.
Some of those clients include:
- Roy Watt Miller's Favourite Quotations Personal Web Pages [Web Design, Web Hosting, Consulting]
- Cardiologist Dr. Curnew [Hosting, Web Design]
- Cardiologist Dr. Curnew's Health Corner [Hosting, Web Design]
- Canadian Federal and Quebec Tax Notes
Choosing how to do your Canadian Income Tax [Hosting, Web Design]
- LindasPhotoJournal.com Photo blog with comments [Consulting]
- LindaReads.com Blog of avid reader [Consulting]
- Team MPG: MUSIC/SP, IBM S/390 mainframe simulator
and other downloads [Hosting, Forms-based email]
- National University of Laos [Hosting, Web Design]
McGill University Financial Imaging System [Web App Development]
- Government of Canada/ Industry Canada/ SchoolNet [CD-ROM Application,
Custom Software]
Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal [Web Application Hosting]
- Dale and Associates [IceSuite Client]
- Michael Cohen and Associates [IceSuite Client]
- Dr. Paul Greenacre DDS and Associates [Web Hosting]
The Québécois Élite: Patriots or Scoundrels? Book [Publisher, Hosting]